We would easily call StockX a fashion store were it not for the Electronics and NFTs departments. Neither the “shopping mall” phrase can be applicable to this store since the product assortment doesn’t straddle a variety of product categories. StockX is a place for cool kids. If you are a cool kid who has to move around a lot but sometimes tends to dig in Xbox, StockX suits your lifestyle fine. Check whether Karma College, Umbro Track and Nike Stussy Sweatpants stand a chance to join your activewear closet. Because those items have already grown on the lion’s share of StockX’s customers. Your shoe collections may long for minimalist sneakers. There could be well-known Adidas, Jordans, Common Projects, and more. The Xbox will come in handy when you finally hit the road home, slump on the couch, and play some Fortnite or Global Offensive.