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Taking a deep breath could be a bit of a problem for you. Especially if you have to do it with your nose alone. Mouth breathing is justified only during strenuous exercises. The reason with titanium solid. You may simply faint because of oxygen deficiency. Other than intense exercise, mouth breathing endangers health. In a nutshell, nose breathing keeps you healthy and safe. Sniff Relief can help you to reclaim your nose breathing. The company offers a self-heating face mask that delivers warmth to the area of the nose, forehead, and cheeks. As it stimulates blood vessels, nasal congestion and sinus pressure become alleviated. Sniff Relief is a safe solution to use. You can set aside nasal spray and over-the-counter meds that present side effects after long-term use. Drop your email address in the box of a pop-up menu and receive 15% off the first purchase.