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Expires: Expires January 31, 2025
Submitted: 3 weeks ago
Eating pasta every day and keeping those shapely legs of yours shapely seems to be a mission-incomplete task. But not all kinds of pasta are made equal. It’s Skinny is living proof of the argument. The company puts at the core of its kinds of pasta a humble, ancient root vegetable called Konjac. Being native to Southeast Asia, the vegetable has been used as the core ingredient there for thousands of years. Looking and tasting like pasta, it has good stuff that pasta doesn’t. It’s Skinny Konjac-based treats don’t trap carbs. No carbs mean no calories. You can enjoy pasta without the risk of putting on extra weight. It’s Skinny’s bag has zero net carbs and just 9 calories. It is a perfect meal for all those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy free shipping on orders over $70.
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