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A solitary figure sits on a big boulder. Next to the figure lies an extraterrestrial-looking, modern house perched atop a rocky cliff. What a breathtaking view opens to the silhouette. The winter day is drawing to a close. But the solitary figure is reluctant to trade creeping, freezing-to-the-bone winter evening for the warmth of the crackling fireplace in the house. The figure seems to be mesmerized by the view. And she truly is. The figure gazes at scarlet shafts of winter sunset sifting through snow-covered ancient spruce trees. She marvels at the beauty of nature in warmth and comfort. Mozy’s leg wrap accounts for the feeling of comfort. Mozy’s wrap is engineered to prevent convective heat loss by hugging your legs with a warm fleece lining. The durable outer shell repels water and wind. The figure enjoys pleasant warmth on a cold winter evening.