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Free Trivia Night At Cinepolis Luxury Cinemas

Sale Expires February 28, 2025
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Prominent global theatre operator Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas provides visitors with more than just a movie. The luxurious interiors of Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas include elegant lounge-style lobby areas, roomy movie house lecture halls with fully leaning back cowhide upholstery, state-of-the-art audio and projection equipment, in-theater restaurant manager provider supplied by ninja-like bartenders to guarantee minimal interruption of the film, and much more. With organic produce and alternatives for gluten-free and low-carb dieting, Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas extended gourmet cuisine fits well with its full beverage operation, which serves specialty drinks, international and domestic brews, and a hand-picked winery. Fresh endless butter snacks, unusual appetizers, the cinemas’ renowned Supremas, as well as well-known classics like Fried Bites, tasty tacos, hamburgers, and veggie burgers are all available to visitors.